What is Nidra?
NIDRA YOGA is an ancient technique, included in Tantra in the so-called Nyasa practices where immobility prevails.
It was introduced in the West by Swami Satyananda Paramanhansa, who presented it as meditation or deep relaxation that allows us to eliminate physical, psychological and emotional tensions. In this state of deep relaxation directed by an instructor, we reach a special state between sleep and wakefulness, where the dramatisations of our actions recorded inside us flow outwards, allowing the message we wish to send to the unconscious to reach it.
It is undeniable that our unconscious makes it possible for our desires to be fulfilled and also for them to be totally unattainable.
If we desire something specific and our unconscious has registered that we are not prepared to obtain it, no matter how many acts we carry out, it will be impossible to achieve it. If we have images of failure, illness and poverty registered inside us, we will create our own reality.
Doctor Sarró, a psychiatrist, said 40 years ago that 90% of physical illnesses had a psychic basis. Allopathic medicine itself recognises that the patient’s state of mind is of great importance for healing, “he was cured because he wanted to be cured”, a phrase heard among doctors themselves.
The secret to achieve a full life according to what we sincerely desire is in the unconscious, therefore, we should convert our negative inner thoughts into positive ones, learn not to dramatise our life and if we do so, we should also learn to de-dramatise our inner self. With this, NIDRA YOGA is presented as a therapeutic technique supported by a very important point which is the RESOLUTION that is sent to the unconscious at different moments of the practice.
From a neuroscientific point of view, there is a small but effective amygdala in the front part of our brain.
It records all our actions and stores them. Some say that it only records the actions that we dramatise, others say that it records all of them.
When we act with the NIDRA practice we de-dramatise our actions recorded in it and only the memory will remain, but not the drama created.
The memory will exist but not the negative part of them, with this we free our inner self of that which harms us.
“Life that cannot be experienced is not worth living”.
“Don’t believe anything I say, experience it”.